3XPlanet is an innovative and interactive Japanese adult video portal. Here you can find an extensive selection of the best adult videos from all over the country. Our aim is to provide you with a safe, secure and quality service; ensuring that your experience here is pleasurable and discrete. We have made a conscious effort to not only offer the best in adult entertainment but also endeavored to provide our customers with something new and exciting each time they visit our site. We are constantly updating our library with fresh, diverse topics for everyone - from amateur porn to professional high-definition videos - there's something for everyone here! Moreover, we strive to provide a safe, secure and private environment where people can watch what they want without worrying about anyone finding out. All personal information shared by you will always remain confidential as your personal data is never shared or stored without permission. 3XPlanet takes pride in offering a standard of security that others cannot match; providing users access to some of Japan's top porn stars, genres and production companies with absolute peace of mind as it remains confidential throughout their visit on our site. Our team here at 3XPlanet consists of highly knowledgeable and experienced individuals who have taken special measures to ensure that every user has an enjoyable experience when visiting our website. Our cutting-edge filters enable users to search for specific content quickly and efficiently so that no matter what type of video you're looking for, it will be just one click away! All of the content available at 3XPlanet are 100% authentic Japanese Adult Videos direct from Japan - providing viewers access to the finest productions around! With quick loading times, reliable streaming capabilities and great video quality available throughout the website - customers can enjoy hours upon hours of fantastic adult entertainment anywhere they can access the internet! So if you're looking for something unique and exciting in terms of adult entertainment then look no further than 3Xplanet – The BEST Japanese Adult Video Portal Around!